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英语  2022-09-21 19:030




数学 语文 英语 物理
单元 月考 期末 下册
同步辅导 课件 教案 说课稿
I. 用单词的适当形式填空: 20%

1. The land is ___________. Because there is no living things on it. (explore)

2. The _________between the man and lady lasted an hour. (aruge)

3. The monster has a __________face. (frighten)

4. It is the _________in China when people meet , they shake hands.

5. He roared with _______________(laugh). “You will all die.”

6. I was __________(surprise) to hear the news.

7. She came into the classroom _________(quiet) with some books in her handbag.

8. He lost the match with the Japanese,__________(part) because he didn’t have a good rest yesterday evening.

9. “Tom Sayor” is one of the most interesting ________(adventure)I have ever read.

10. Though he drives very fast, he drives ____________(careless) enough.

11. His ambition is to be a _____________(navigate),he would like to find the way for the pilot.

12. Mary patted her baby ___________(gentle) and sang a beautiful song to let it sleep.

13. Greece is a country in ____________.(European)

14. Linda used a ________(magnetic) to pick up pins in the carptet.

15. The monster said to the captain that he would do him a ____________(favourite)

16. The monster with one ___________(glow) eye in the story made us frightened.

17. If you want to be even ___________(health), you must give up smoking.

18. Shanghai is one of the biggest ____________(city) in China.

19. The __________of the old man made us very sad.(die)

20. The astronaut will _____________(turn) to the earth soon.


1.Before ________a shower, he drank a bottle of milk.

A. have B. having C. to have D. had

2. He’ll come back ________three days.

A. in B. for C. after D. before

3. I want to have a pen _______.

A. to write B. write with C. for writing D. to write with

4. The scientists collected _______about the South Pole.

A. many information B. much information C. many informations D. much informations

5. The film was very boring _________the music in it.

A. except B. except for C. beside D. include

6. If it _____rain tomorrow, there will be a football match in our school.

A. isn’t B. won’t C. don’t D. doesn’t

7. I don’t know _________life in the future will be like.

A. what B. how C. if D. when

8. Captain King told Peters _________with him about waiting in the cave.

A. don’t argue B. didn’t argue C. not argue D. not to argue

9.Gork thought about _________all the aliens _________dawn.

A. killing; in B. killing; at C. kill, in D. kill, at 10. I’ve got two tickets for the match. Come with me. You’d better ________stay at home by yourself.

A. not to B. not C. to D /

11. Gork looked very __________. He looked at the aliens very __________.

A. angry, angry B. angrily, angrily C. angrily, angry D. angry, angrily

12. There is little milk in the cup, __________?

A. is there B. isn’t there C. isn’t it D. is it

13. We often use a trap for ______________mice.

A. killing B. eating C. looking for D. catching

14. There isn’t __________furniture in our house.

A. a lot of B. many C. much D. some

15. Be quiet. Our teacher will tell us _________________.

A. important something B. something important

C. important anything D. anything important

16. Some scientists landed on this area ________the morning of August 5th.

A. on B. at C. in D. to

17. This is a ____________building.

A. six-storey-high B. six-storeys-high C. six storeys high D. six storey high

18. There is a bowl on the ______table.

A. like human B. almost human C. unlike a woman D. an adult

19. When the students talked to the headmaster, their _________shook at first.

A. sound B. sounds C. voice D. voices

20. If our plans ________, we will al escape from the cave.

A. will work B. works C. work D. won’t work


A.coming towards B. express opinions to show disagreement C. believing

D. broken E. moving away F. at dawn

1. When Mr. Smith returned home, he was surprised to find his favourite vase was in pieces.

2. To our joy, Peter returned to our camp with a bag of water when day broke.

3. Our boss doesn’t like to hear others argue with him, when he gives out order.

4. Look, he tells a lie again. Clearly he is not worth trusting.

5. The enemy is approaching our base with a frighteningly fast speed.

A. huge B. froze C. ugly and frightening creature

D. shining in the dark E.have no F. storey

1.It’s said that there is a monster in this mountain. Few villagers dare to get into it.

2.Our company is on the fifteenth floor, which is high enough to enjoy a bird-eye view of the harbor.

3. The scream from deep in the cave is so frightening that it almost turned our blood to ice.

4. The princess planted the seed into the soil and just a few days later it grew into a giant plant.

5. We’ll run out of food and drink in five days.

IV. Choose the proper word and fill in the blanks:10%

1. What _________(electrical, electric) appliances do people usually use at home?

2. The ancient Chinese ______________(invented, invited) the compass.

3. Shanghai _________(attracts, attacks) lots of tourists every year.

4. The boy can calculate these number ___________(accurate, accurately)

5. The lady from India is very clever, she has an _____________(amazed, amazing) brain.

6. The most important thng is to be __________(honest, honesty)

7. We went _________the door into a huge cave. (through, across)

8. I think it ___________a friendly monster. (maybe, may be)

9. You came here in _________,(peace, peaceful) but you’ll be in ________(piece, pieces)tomorrow.

V. 句型转换:20%

1.This answer is wrong. That answer is wrong, too.(合并为一句)

___________this answer __________that one is right. 2. Peter did some exercises yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

_________Peter _________any exercises yesterday?

3. I will finish my homework in half an hour.(划线提问)

__________ __________will you finish your homework?

4. We often use computers in our work and life.(改为同意句)

Computer ___________often _____________in our work and life.

5. She works hard at English, but she hardly gets good marks.(同意句)

__________she works hard, she _________get good marks.

6. They cold hardly see any grass there, ___________ __________?(反意疑问句)

7. Mr Green has a daughter. She is only eight months old.(合并为一句)

Mr. Green has _________ ___________________ daughter.

8. I spent 200 dollars on these clothes.(同意句)

I ___________200 dollars ________these clothes.

9. His handwriting is the best in the class.

His handwriting is ________ than anyone ______in the class. (同意句)

10. The old man died three years ago. (同意句)

The old man has ______ __________for three years.

V. Reading:20%


One morning during breadfast, Robert was reading his letters. “Look, dear,” he said to his wife, Mary. “Someone sent these two tickets for the concert tonight, isn’t that kind?’ “Sho sent them?”asked Mary. “I have no idea,” Robert answered, “There is a note in the envelope, but it just says,”Can you guess who these tickets are frim?” “Never mind,” Mary said, “Perhasps one of our friends wants to give us a surprise.”

After dinner that night, Robert and Mary put on their best clothes and went to the concert. They had a wonderful evening. But when they got back to the house, they found a thief had been there.

Almost everything they owned had been stolen: pictures, clothes, and money. In the centre of the table, they found another note. This one said, “ Now can you guess who sent the tickets?”

( )1. It’s very kind of the man to send them the tickets.

( )2. The tickets were from one of their friends.

( )3. When they returened home from the concert, they found almost everything they had was gone.

( ) 4. The thief was really their friend who had sent them the tickets.


Mrs. White loves flowers and has a small but beautiful garden. In summer, her roses are always the best in the street. One summer afternoon her bell rang and when she went to the front door, she saw a littley outside. He was about seven years old, and was holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. “I’m selling roses,” he said, “don’t you want some? They are cheap. One shilling for a big bunch.They are fresh.”

“My boy,” Mrs. White answered, “ I picked roses when I want, and don’t pay anything for because I have many in my garden.” “ Oh, no, you haven’t,” said the little boy. “There aren’t any roses in your garden-they are in my hand!”

1. What are in Mrs. White’s garden in summer? ______________________________

2. Who rang at the door? ___________________________________

3. Where did the boy get the roses?____________________________________________

4. Why did Mrs. White say she didn’t want to buy the roses?________________________

5. Why weren’t there any roses in Mrs. White’s garden?____________________________

(C) Napoleon liked to read nespaper. “ I must read the news,” he said. “ I have to know more ____1____the world.” Napoleon read ___2__English and German newspapers. He read these papers when he __3__breakfast. But he didn’t read French newspapers very _____4____.

One day an editor of a French newapaper came to the palace. He gave a well-printed newspaper to Napoleon and said, “Please have a look at our paper and see if there is anything wrong?”

Napoleon was not interested. He put the beautiful newspaper on the table and said,” No, I do not read French newspapers. ____5______”

The editor was surprised. “ But ,but why?” he asked _____6_____.

“Because everything in French newspaper is written according to what I said!”

( ) 1. A. in B. of C. about D. throught

( )2. A. either B. both C. all D. none

( )3. A. had B. has C. was having D. is having

( )4. A. often B. much C. soon D. late

( )5. A. Take it easy B. Take it away C. Don’t worry D. For a while

( )6. A. surprised B. surprising C. to surprise D. in surprise


Venus is our nearest neighbour in space. It is only 42 million kilometres a . We know that in some ways, Venus is l the earth to go round the sun. It is a as big as the earth, too.

Earth people can’t live w air, but our neighbour doesn’t have this kind of air. There is very little water on Venus. Still, some scientists believe there may be l on it. These scientists think that some microbes may be able to live on Venus. They are not sure about this but one thing whether people could not live on Venus.


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评论 0


一、单项选择(20分)1、Can you paint?________.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do . C. No, I can.D. Yes, a little.2. Kate wants _____the English club.A. joins B. to joins C. to joinD. joining3.He wants to join the ____ club. He can ____ chess.A. chess


初一英语What do you think of game知识点总结
®乐学网为大家整理的初一英语What do you think of game知识点总结的文章,供大家学习参考!更多最新信息请点击初一考试网一. 语言功能:Give opinions: talk about likes and dislikes发表意见:谈论喜欢和不喜欢二. 目标语言:1. What do you think of soa


®乐学网为大家整理的初一英语句式知识点总结的文章,供大家学习参考!更多最新信息请点击初一考试网1.陈述句肯定陈述句 a) This is a book. (be动词)b) He looks very young. (连系动词)c) I want a sweat like this. (实义动词)d) I can bring some things


®乐学网的编辑为您准备了苏教版七年级英语复习知识点的文章,希望对您有帮助!1.pen pal 笔友2.speak English讲英语3. be from=come from来自4.on weekends在周末5.write to do 给某人写信5.live in 居住7.a little一些8.likes and dislikes喜欢/不喜欢9.lik


一、单项选择(20分)1、Can you paint?________.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do . C. No, I can.D. Yes, a little.2. Kate wants _____the English club.A. joins B. to joins C. to joinD. joining3.He wants to join the ____ club. He can ____ chess.A. chess


以下是®乐学网初一频道 为大家提供的《初一英语知识点总结人教版》,供大家参考! 相关推荐:暑假作业|暑假作业答案|生活指导答案|七年级暑假作业答案1.特殊疑问句What's your name? -I'm Liu Ying. -My name is Liu Ying.What's your number? -I'm Number O


一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. “ What language can he speak?” “ He can speak (English).2.This movie is very (interest).3.She wants(join)the art club.4. Jackie Chan is a great (act). His new movie “Speed” is a very _______ (success)


这篇关于《七年级英语下册五单元练习题》,是©乐学网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!I. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词 Model: bringbringsbringing1. make____________________ 2. swim____________________ 3. be____________________


Unit5What do you like pandas1、 熊猫 2、 动物园 3、 老虎4、 大象5、 树袋熊6、 狮子7、 长颈鹿8、 动物 9、 可爱的;机灵的 10、 懒散的;懒惰的11、聪明的12、 美丽的;美好的13、 吓人的;恐怖的 14、 种类15、 稍微;有点儿16、 澳大利亚17、 南方的n


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?  guitar n.吉他  sing v.唱;唱歌  swim v.游泳  dance v.跳舞;舞蹈  draw v.画  chess n.国际象棋  play chess 下国际象棋  speak v.说;说话  speak English 说英语  join v.参加;加入  club n.俱乐部


Unit5What do you like pandas1、 熊猫 2、 动物园 3、 老虎4、 大象5、 树袋熊6、 狮子7、 长颈鹿8、 动物 9、 可爱的;机灵的 10、 懒散的;懒惰的11、聪明的12、 美丽的;美好的13、 吓人的;恐怖的 14、 种类15、 稍微;有点儿16、 澳大利亚17、 南方的n


Unit5What do you like pandas1、 熊猫 2、 动物园 3、 老虎4、 大象5、 树袋熊6、 狮子7、 长颈鹿8、 动物 9、 可爱的;机灵的 10、 懒散的;懒惰的11、聪明的12、 美丽的;美好的13、 吓人的;恐怖的 14、 种类15、 稍微;有点儿16、 澳大利亚17、 南方的n


这篇关于《初二英语上册知识点第四单元》,是©乐学网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!重点语法:询问别人做某事的方式用 How 引导特殊疑问句其回答有多种方式,其中一种结构是 by doing sth. 或 by sth. 的结构。询问两地的距离用 how far 引导特殊疑


®乐学网为大家整理的英语下册初一年级暑假作业的文章,供大家学习参考!更多最新信息请点击初一考试网一、情景匹配:从右栏中选出左栏各句的答语。1. What’s Bob doing? A. That’s Jenny.2. What’s Mike like ?B. She’s medium height.3. Where did you


选择选项填空(25分)(满分120分,120分钟完卷)( ) 1. There is going __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.to be B. to have C. being( ) 2. Would you please _____ me alone at home?A. don't leaveB. not leave C. not to leave( ) 3. Don’t angr


Unit5What do you like pandas1、 熊猫 2、 动物园 3、 老虎4、 大象5、 树袋熊6、 狮子7、 长颈鹿8、 动物 9、 可爱的;机灵的 10、 懒散的;懒惰的11、聪明的12、 美丽的;美好的13、 吓人的;恐怖的 14、 种类15、 稍微;有点儿16、 澳大利亚17、 南方的n


®乐学网为大家整理的八年级英语第一单元练习题的文章,供大家学习参考!更多最新信息请点击初二考试网Unit 1 单元检测题一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(20分)1. We had great fun __ ___ _____(play) footba ll.2. I decided ____________(go) to Shanghai.3.



